The Hotel Management System is a R-DBMS project that will help to ease the check-in, check out, and booking process of a certain hotel. This system allows the hotel management to store all the rooms of their hotel along with the room category and prices per day. The rooms that being stored will be used for managing the availability of the rooms.
In Hotel Booking Management System we use PHP and MySQL Database. This project keeps records of booking, clients, and hotel services. Hotel Booking Management System has two modules i.e., admin and user.
It contains the admin section and the user (customer) section. All the editing’s, updating, managing rooms, bookings, and payment are for the admin section. The design of this system is made as simple as possible so that the user won’t get any difficulties while working on it.
NOTE : Please read installation and execution steps present at the bottom before downloading. Thank you
1 : Install XAMPP Download XAMPP from here.
2 : After installing XAMPP (Default directory : c:/xampp/) , download the project and paste it in directory : (c:/xampp/htdocs/).
3 : Start Apache and MySQL server in XAMPP.
4 : Open a browser and go to phpMyAdmin page “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”.
5 : Create a database naming “hotel-mangement-system” and then click on the import tab.
6 : Click on browse file and select “hotel-mangement-system.sql” file which is inside the “Hotel-Management-System” folder and Click ‘GO’.
7 : Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/Hotel-Management-System/customer.php”.
NOTE : For admin panel, go to URL” http://localhost/Hotel-Management-System/admin.php”